Last Known Approved Lodge Rules
Source of this Version Unknown
The purpose of these Lodge Rules is to clarify National policy as it concerns Papago Lodge #494. All activities and procedures of this lodge shall coincide with the National policy first and then with local Lodge regulations. Any change in the National policy will automatically void a lodge rule if that rule is in direct conflict with National policy.
RULE I — Name and Affiliation
Section 2. The Lodge shall be affiliated with the Catalina Council, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the Council Camping Committee and the administrative authority of the Council Executive.
Section 3. The Lodge’s adopted Indian affiliation shall be that of the Hohokam Indian.
Section 4. The totem of the Lodge shall be the Hohokam conception of the Gambel’s Quail.
RULE II — Lodge Emblems
Section 2. The Lodge shall maintain one unrestricted pocket flap.
Section 3. The Lodge may commission an additional flap for special purposes and events such as providing Camperships, NOACs and Anniversaries, as determined by the Lodge Executive Committee (L.E.C.), with the approval of the Council Executive.
Section 4. The Lodge shall maintain one neckerchief which is to be sold only too active members of this Lodge. It is to be worn only at official OA functions.
Section 5. The current unrestricted Papago Lodge flap is to be sold to Papago Lodge members at the current price which shall be approved by the Lodge Executive Committee. The flap may be sold to OA members of other Lodges at an increase in price approved by the L.E.C.
RULE III — Lodge Membership
Section 1. All election procedures and requirements for membership in this Lodge shall be in accordance with the latest National policy as found in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.
1. Elections must be conducted by an authorized election team between January 1 and March 31.
2. The only valid elections will be those that have an official unit election report signed by the election team and the unit leader and returned to the Council office.
Section 2. Each unit may nominate one Scouter in accordance with the latest National policy.
Section 3. To become a member, a candidate elected into the Order of the Arrow must, within one year from his or her election or nomination, successfully complete the Ordeal, which shall be run in accordance with National policy.
Section 4. Active members shall be those who have paid their dues, and are registered with a unit or the Council.
1. Any member who fails to pay his or her dues or ceases to be registered with a unit or with the council shall be considered inactive and lose the right to vote, participate on a committee, receive mail, and wear OA insignia.
2. Inactive members may be restored to active status by paying current dues and/or registering with a unit or the council.
Section 5. Active members under the age of 21 shall have the right to vote.
Section 6. The Professional Scouters of the Catalina Council are ex-officio members of Papago Lodge. As such, they are not required to pay dues.
RULE IV — Brotherhood Membership
Section 1. Completion of the Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the latest National policy.
Section 2. The Lodge shall be responsible for holding at least two Brotherhood ceremonies per year, for Ordeal members to become Brotherhood members.
RULE V — Vigil Membership
Section 1. Completion of the Vigil Honor membership shall be in accordance with the latest National policy.
Section 2. The Vigil Honor Committee shall be appointed by the Lodge Chief with the approval of the Council Executive. The committee shall consist of Vigil Honor members and/or other Arrowmen from the Lodge who are not eligible for election into the Honor. The Lodge membership may suggest candidates for the Vigil Honor to this committee, but only the committee members and their advisor shall be present at their selection meetings.
RULE VI — Lodge Officers
SECTON 1. The officers of the Lodge shall be the Chief, First Vice-Chief of Program, Second Vice-Chief of Inductions, Secretary, Treasurer and Ordeal master.
1. The Nominating Committee for the Lodge Officers shall be appointed by the Lodge Chief with the approval of the Lodge Advisor or the Staff Advisor, a minimum of one month before the Lodge Election.
2. The election of the Lodge Officers shall be held at the Spring Fellowship, all members under the age of 21 are eligible to vote.
3. Officers must be under the age of 21 for their entire term of office.
4. A Lodge Officer may not simultaneously hold a Section office, another Lodge office, or be a Chapter Chief.
5. Any Lodge Officer or Committee Chair may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the Lodge Executive Committee or by the Council Executive.
6. Interim appointments of Lodge Officers shall be made by the Lodge Executive Committee with the approval of the Lodge and Staff Advisors.
Section 2. The term for all Lodge Officers shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Section 3. The Officers must comply with all requirements specified in the latest edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.
Section 4. All Lodge Officers shall attend a Lodge Officer Training Session.
RULE VII — Lodge Officer Duties and Responsibilities
Section 1. Lodge Chief
1. Presides at all Lodge functions and Lodge Executive Committee (L.E.C.) meetings.
2. Shall organize and direct the activities of the Lodge.
3. Represents Papago Lodge at all Section, Area, Region and National functions.
4. Shall conduct and coordinate all Lodge operations by means of the L.E.C. and the Key-3.
5. Shall be responsible for appointing all Lodge Committee Chairs.
6. Shall hold an annual Lodge & Chapter Officer Training Session.
Section 2. First Vice-Chief of Program
1. Acts in the absence of the Chief.
2. Shall organize and direct the activities of the Lodge in assistance to the Chief.
3. Shall have direct authority over all Lodge Committees dealing with Program. These include Indian Affaires, Camping Promotion, ASK, and Activities.
4. To promote Lodge spirit.
Section 3. Second Vice-Chief of Inductions
1. Shall organize and direct the activities of the Lodge in assistance to the Chief.
2. Shall have direct authority over all Lodge Committees dealing with Inductions. These include Unit Elections, Ordeals and Ceremonies.
Section 4. Secretary
1. Shall keep and record minutes at all Lodge Meetings.
2. Shall be responsible for registration at all Lodge Functions.
3. Shall keep an accurate list of Lodge Membership.
4. Shall oversee the Publications and Membership Committees.
5. Shall issue membership cards in response to the payment of dues.
Section 5. Treasurer
1. Shall handle all monetary transactions of the Lodge in coordination with the L.E.C., Staff Advisor, and an Advisor to the Treasurer.
2. Shall be responsible for the Lodge Trading Post at all Lodge Functions.
3. Shall make a monthly financial report to the L.E.C.
4. Shall oversee the Finance Committee.
SECTION 6. Ordeal Master
1. Shall Report to the 2nd Vice chief.
2. Shall organize the ordeals of the lodge.
3. Shall be in charge of all committees active at the ordeal. These include Ceremonies and Elangomats.
RULE VIII — Lodge Committees
Section 1. The Standing Committees of the Lodge shall be:
1. The Finance Committee which shall be responsible for the running of the Trading Post, inventories, invoices, the Lodge Budget and the handling of the payment of dues.
2. The Publications Committee which shall be responsible for the publication of the Lodge Newsletter, the Hohogram.
3. The Membership Committee which shall be responsible for keeping an accurate membership list of the Lodge.
4. The Unit Elections Committee which shall be responsible for the elections of new members into the Order.
5. The Ordeals Committee which shall be responsible for the Lodge’s Ordeals.
6. The Ceremonies Committee which shall be responsible for the performance of the various ceremonies involved in the induction process.
7. The Indian Affairs Committee which shall be responsible for organizing Dance Teams and coordinating activities.
8. The Camping Promotions Committee which shall supervise and conduct camping promotions, the primary purpose of the Order, in the units and at other levels.
9. The Trails Committee which shall be responsible for promoting outdoor activities, such as hiking and conservation work.
10. The ASK Program members who are responsible to assist as needed with Camping Promotions, Training, Events, etc.
11. The Activities Committee which is responsible for all Lodge Activities other than regular meetings and Ordeals. These include Fellowships, Conclave, Banquet, etc.
12. The Vigil Committee which shall be in charge of the nominations process and the Vigil Weekend.
13. Also, Ad Hoc committees may be added as necessary by the Lodge Chief with the approval of the L.E.C. and the Lodge and Staff Advisors.
Section 2. Lodge Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the Lodge Chief with the approval of the L.E.C. and the Lodge and Staff Advisors.
RULE IX — Chapters
Section 1. The Lodge shall be divided into Chapters, one associated with each Council District. Each Chapter shall be under the administrative authority of the Council District Executive.
Section 2. Chapters shall abide by the same rules and policies as the Lodge.
Section 3. Each Chapter may have a Chapter shirt, hat or some other accessory, approved by the Lodge Chief.
RULE X — Advisors
Section 1. All members of the Lodge over the age of 21 are Advisors, and as such do not have the right to vote, but the authority to advise.
Section 2. Each Lodge Office and Committee shall have an advisor who shall be appointed by the Lodge Advisor with the approval of the Council Executive.
Section 3. Each Chapter shall have an Advisor and an Associate Advisor who shall be appointed by the Lodge Advisor with the approval of the Council Executive.
RULE XI — Organization
Section 1. The Lodge Executive Committee shall meet once a month for the purpose of conducting the business of the Lodge. It may meet more often if deemed necessary by the Key-3. The L.E.C. shall be comprised of all Lodge Officers, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chiefs.
Section 2. To conduct business, a quorum of two-thirds of the L.E.C. must be present, and for a motion to pass it must be approved by a majority of 50% plus one.
Section 3. The Key-3 shall consist of the Lodge Chief, the Lodge Advisor and the Staff Advisor. It shall meet at least once a month to discuss the state of the Lodge, any upcoming events, and to maintain the flow of information in the Lodge.
RULE XII — Lodge Finances
Section 1. The amount of dues shall be set by the L.E.C. The dues shall run from January 1 until December 31.
Section 2. The induction fee of the Ordeal candidate shall be the current Lodge price or the following: a membership card, an Ordeal Sash, a Papago Lodge Guidebook, an official Lodge flap, the price of food, and insurance.
Section 3. The Brotherhood fee shall be the cost of the sash and an official lodge flap. Food and insurance shall be charged separately.
Section 4. All Lodge funds shall be handled through the Catalina Council and go through the same accounting procedures as the Council.
Section 5. The Lodge Executive Committee shall approve all Lodge expenditures.
Section 6. The Lodge Treasurer shall submit for approval to the L.E.C. the annual Lodge Budget which shall include all projected incomes and expenditures for the upcoming year.
Section 7. The selling price of all OA supplies will be automatically adjusted to at least match the cost increase from a supplier. That increase, or any other adjustment, shall be voted on at the next L.E.C. meeting.
RULE XIII — Lodge Activities
Section 1. The Lodge Executive Committee shall meet to conduct business at least once a month.
Section 2. The Lodge shall publish and send to all currently registered members a copy of the Lodge’s Newsletter, The Hohogram, at least six times a year.
Section 3. The Lodge shall hold three Ordeals a year for the purpose of aiding the Council Camps, inducting new members and advancing brotherhood.
Section 4. The Lodge shall hold a Fall Fellowship.
Section 5. The Lodge shall host a yearly Banquet.
Section 6. The Lodge shall hold any other activities deemed necessary by the Lodge Executive Committee.
RULE XIV — Amendments
Section 1. The Rules of Papago Lodge #494 shall be subject to amendment or change at any regular or special meeting of the Lodge, provided that written notice is given by the L.E.C. at least one month in advance and that notice is given to the membership at least ten days in advance. A two-thirds vote of the active members present shall be required to pass the amendment.